Okay so the day was beautiful, but the night is a different story. So check this out. Remember the car, cool, so my girl has her license and she's been driving it around and guess what happens today. Oh yeah an accident. It wasn't our fault but i'm not gonna get into the details but i was in the passenger side of the car and then here comes another car to my side and bang my life flashed before my eyes. Everythings okay though, i mean i'm okay, my girl's okay, the people who hit us are okay, their car is okay except for a few scratches but our car is ----ed up. Now I don't know whats gonna happen but hopefully something good will come our way, I mean the odds are against us since the people are older and the details are sketchy but whatever. Not only that, when we got home the inside started smoking. I don't know jack ---- about cars but i don't think that's a good sign and we jumped out. Normally i'd take this as a bad omen but I think the cup is only half full and everything, i'm sure, will work out. What does this mean though, I could have died today, twice. I have a test tomorrow and I definitely know i'm not passing but hey that's not really important. Nothing is really important and that's what makes life great. I mean everything is an experience and that's how we have to see good and bad events sometimes, life is about experiences. So I just wanna say, enjoy life, have fun, do what makes you happy and remember you can die at any time. I'm okay though so everything's fine. My neck hurts though.
Thursday, November 07, 2002
Samuel Johnson, great writer, great poet, don't know too much about the guy but read his stuff, it's very insightful. I was just thinking about someone today, a person I can't seem to ever forget. I haven't seen this person in 8 years but even when I get old and near death I fear I will never be able to forget this person. What does it mean when we think about people, sometimes I think it's because somehow they are associated with some type of regret you may have and their memory helps soothe the pain of regret. Maybe. It's crazy because I have this person's im but I can't im h/her because h/her didn't give it to me, someone else did. The truth is I don't know if this is that person and although it would be great to get in contact with them I can't seem to do it. So what do I do?
It's a beautiful day today, cold as hell but beautiful and I want to be outside sooo bad but I got to study for a big exam tommorrow, that i might fail but who knows, I have faith. Can't believe it's already november, I mean wow. Soon it will be thanksgiving and then December when the real cold comes, hmm i'm almost excited. Can't wait for thanksgiving though, to be back in the big ole apple. Unfortunately i'm only gonna be in for a weekend, but stilll, hmm that new york pizza, oh yeah I can't wait.