Monday, October 14, 2002

Had a crazy weekend last week. Had the fam over as well as mi novia's fam, almost turned into a disaster but everything was cool. The problem is both parties can't understand each other since they speak different languages, english being the most dominate and just a better language. Just kidding. Anyway everyone had a good time, I got a ride now so that's great but i don't have a licsence (this is probably spelled wrong) so what's the point. Still everything is cool, at the bottom are some game reviews for the GBA and PS2, that's right i'm still a kid and will always be one but i'm a man in other categories. Check it out:

Mega man zero 8.7 a good game, shouldn't take professionals too long to complete but not a hard game at all. Sometimes annoying since your going to be playing the stages over and over again.
Castlevania HOD 9.0 a great game, a real good time waster, not too much different from circle of the moon I think, in fact i think COM is better, but still worth buying.
Xmen 5.0 don't buy, rent it, but beware, graphics are great for a gba game but gameplay sucks
mario kart 8.0 a good game, alot of fun but you'll probably end up playing it a few times though

Dynasty Warriors 3 7.5, it's cool, a type of game you play with people but probably never with one player
Maximo 8.8 tough game, will have you playing for a while but after you beat it, if you do, you probably won't play it again
Onimusha 2 8.9 great, a must buy, alot of fun, excited about the next one
Devil May Cry 9.7 too good, way too good, easy and somewhat short but good, can't wait for the sequel